Save Power, Save Money, Reduce your Electricity Bills
Everyone is facing higher electricity charges. Now is the time to save energy and save money doing so.
The best way is to focus on the things that use the most electricity. This will vary depending on how much electricity you use for heating and cooling and what country you live in.
See the diagrams showing the major components of electricity use in various countries.
The major electricity consumption items are:
Air Conditioning
Clothes Washer
Clothes Dryer
Water Heater
Appliances that heat and cool use the most energy and so it is with these appliances that you can save the most.
Major Ways to Reduce Power Consumption
If you use space heaters in the room you are in rather than central heating for the whole house or apartment, you can save nearly $US 1200/year!
If you use fans instead of air conditioning, you can save about $US 600/year.
If you dry your clothes on a line instead of in a dryer, you can save $US 150/year.
If you wash your laundry in cold water instead of hot, you can save $US 150/year.
If you replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescents, you can save nearly $US 100/year.
If you get rid of your television, you can save $US 75/year.
If you put your computer in sleep mode when you’re not using it, you can save $US 60/year.
The image below from summarises some of the key ways of saving power and saving money by cutting your electricity bills.
Key ways to save electricity domestically. Source: Public Domain
"Domestic energy use in USA. Source: Public DomainDomestic energy use in Australia. Source: Public DomainDomestic energy use in Germany. Source: Public DomainDomestic energy use in UK. Source: Public Domain